From the Pastor's Desk:

I am pretty confident that most families try really hard to sit together around their dining table to eat a meal at supper time. Even if not at home, most families enjoy going to a restaurant (maybe even once or twice a week) to share meal time together. There is something unique and special about sharing a meal with family, loved ones, or friends. On those occasions, we are not just eating food for the nourishment of our bodies, we also use that time for fellowship with one another. In so doing, we build strong relationships with those around us.
The Bible is filled with story after story, and verse after verse, of families and people eating and fellowshipping together. Jesus' ministry was filled with the same. He often ate with His disciples, dined with friends and neighbors, and even sat at the table of tax collectors and sinners. Jesus was always looking for ways to communicate with others His love and desire for them to know Him.
Today, we will enjoy some food and fellowship with one another. May it be a time of growing our relationships with one another, while we show the love of God. (And, by the way, the food will be great!)
Pastor Randy


Thank you for visiting our website. We are a Southern Baptist Church that has been in our community for over 60 years. A lot has changed in our society during that time, but one thing that has not changed at Grace is the consistent, vibrant, down-to-earth preaching and teaching of the Bible, God's holy, infallible Word. Thank you again for visiting us. May God bless and keep you in His care as you live your life for Him. 

 Randall Forsythe,  Pastor


Service Times

Sunday School       9:30 am

Sunday Morning   10:30 am 

Wednesday Eve      6:00 pm